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It is important that our day starts well. Drinking lukewarm lemon water on an empty stomach every morning is beneficial for health, it will not only reduce your obesity but also improve your health.

lemon water benefits

1. Lemon water is a potassium booster
Without potassium, your body cannot function. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, potassium is important for nerve muscle communication, transport of nutrients, regulating waste material and blood pressure. Potassium is found in sufficient quantities in fruits and vegetables, similarly lemon juice is also an excellent source of potassium.


2. Reduces the risk of kidney stones
Lemon water helps prevent painful kidney stones in people with a deficiency of urinary citrate (a form of citric acid). Importantly, lemon water is also extremely beneficial in case of excess water content in the body and dehydration. These two conditions are one of the biggest causes of kidney stones. Therefore, everyone is advised to drink lemon water regularly4.


3.Effective in digestive problems
According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, the acids present in lemon juice break down food well. Therefore, there is a sufficient amount of acid present in our stomach. The acid present in lemon can be especially helpful in replenishing stomach acid levels, as the amount of acid present in the stomach starts decreasing with increasing age. When the digestive system remains healthy, the nutrients present in the food are fully absorbed in the body

4.Provides adequate hydration

Most of us drink less water than the body requires. The habit of drinking lemon water regularly helps the body stay hydrated for a long time.

According to the National Library of Medicine, lemon water maintains electrolyte balance.


5.According to a research published in NCBI, lemon water helps boost body metabolism. In this way, we are able to burn more calories, which helps in weight loss. Start drinking lemon water instead of coffee and tea in the morning, this will burn extra fat in your body as well as you will get other important health benefits.

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